Atlantic Marine Conservation Society is an organization of biologists and volunteers with decades of experience in marine mammal and sea turtle research and response. Our mission is to promote marine conservation through action.

The Atlantic Marine Conservation Society (AMSEAS) staff have worked with partners from Virginia to Maine building a research network which is studying seals, sea turtles and whales in the New York Bight, Long Island Sound and northwest Atlantic Ocean.
Our Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Research Program is aimed at assessing the status of these animals, identifying potential threats in their changing environment, and providing data to managers to help mitigate the impacts of those threats.

We are the lead response organization for responding to entangled live large whales, entangled sea turtles, and conducting necropsies on all dead marine mammals and sea turtles in New York. In the fall of 2021, we were asked by NOAA Fisheries to bring online our Critical Care Triage Facility. This facility has received 80 endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles.

Atlantic Marine Conservation Society is an organization with decades of field and education experience from our team of biologists, interns, and volunteers. We encourage people of all ages to become stewards of the marine environment and help us carry out our mission of promoting marine conservation through action.